1 April 2010

Beams, beams, beams and some goodies through the post :D

Today (and yesturday) I have been cutting the windows and glueing the walls (mountboard) in.

This is my little room that I work in most nights and University! :) Very small and it hasn't been decoarted since I was very very very young (now 18).

And here are my little goodies, which I recieved through the post today! She specially made me the blue one! Gorgeous little jugs! Perfect in my cottage retreat!

But unfortunately the little blue one got slightly crushed in the post, but it still looks good :)
They were made by Sylvia, her blog is:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hannah
    I came across your blog while searching for something else but I was really interested in your cottage project. I thought that you might be interested in this interesting twist on the idea of scale and how we percieve things.
    I wrote this blog post back in Dec 2008 but only just found out that it has been listed on Wikipedia for Manfredi Beninati.

