This is a clock that someone on my boyfreinds course had as part of his art project and I loved it! I really want to turn it into a mini dollhouse, well a fantasy box-room at least...
I was thinking of turning the metal bit on the door into a window, it was lined with some old terracotta fabric, but it had gone all funny so I am going to make some curtains out of simular coloured fabric for the window... But I was going nto make them follow the shape of the window instead of being square (I hope that made sense) jsut to add to the charm...
This is a photo of the inside of the clock, I'm thinking of putting a weather beaten writing desk, full of old maps, potions, and trinkets inside with an old leather chair, maybe slightly tatty...
I thinkas well I might put up nloads of shelves full of potions, maps, scrolls, trinkets, plants like a mandrake and such... The shelves again will be weather beaten. Maybe an owl can be purched up high on one of the shelves??
I've got a large light fitting which would be perfect for the room as well, it's very ornate chandelier and hangs down quite low, but it's not gold or silver but a really nice tarnished bronzey colour!
On the back of the clock face, I was thinking of putting some of the original clockwork mechanism's in and maybe the pendulum...
I forgot to mention that I took these out to create more room inside! And I still have the original hands so at some point I will be gluing them back on...
Take a look at these blog's from other people that have given me inspiration for my project!
This shows a really nice old building with so much charm! I love the colours used and such...
But I won't be getting around to this project until I finish my Lundby House, because I am constantly stopping and starting project's, and nothing ever really get's finished...
So for once I have said I am going to finish something before starting another!
Keep wathcing this space tho, I will try and update you as frequently as possible, any idea's are welcome! The more the better!
I'm also looking for a name for the clock but nothing has come to mind yet... Any idea's again welcome :)
I am thinking of doing a few sketches as well of what I plan to do, but be patient I will do some soonish!